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Insect Control Service

Insect control services are essential in maintaining a healthy and safe environment. These services specialise in managing and eradicating harmful insects that can cause property damage and health issues. Using our advanced techniques and eco-friendly products, we provide practical solutions tailored to your individual needs. Whether it’s a residential property under threat from termites or a commercial space dealing with a cockroach infestation, professional insect control services offer comprehensive solutions to mitigate these risks and prevent future infestations.

ant control 1

While small, ants can cause significant problems, ranging from property damage, particularly by species like carpenter ants. They can also lead to serious contamination of food.

bed bug control london

These nocturnal pests are notorious for causing uncomfortable bites and can be surprisingly difficult to eradicate, rapidly spreading throughout residential and commercial spaces.

carpet beetle control
Carpet beetle can pose a significant threat to personal belongings, feeding on organic material like fabrics, carpets, and stored food, and potentially causing financial
cockroach control

Roaches are highly resilient pests known to carry disease-causing bacteria, pose significant health risks and can multiply quickly, requiring prompt extermination efforts.

ladybird control 1
Although generally perceived as beneficial to the garden ecosystem due to their appetite for aphids, they can become a nuisance if they
invade your home in
large numbers.
flea pest control

Bed bugs cause health issues from itchy, red bites and skin rashes to psychological distress and allergic reactions. They can also infest your home rapidly if not addressed promptly.

fly control london

While often just a nuisance, they can also be dangerous as they are known carriers of diseases like Salmonella and E. coli, and their presence, especially in large numbers, should be addressed.

moth control

Often drawn to light and found in dark, undisturbed areas of homes, they can cause significant damage to clothes and stored goods with their larvae, requiring swift removal measures.

wasp control

While beneficial to the ecosystem, wasps can become a nuisance when they build nests near human habitation, posing risks due to their aggressive behaviour and painful stings.


Get your pest removed in 3 simple steps


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Once confirmed, we will arrange a time to visit you


Become Pest Free

Finally, we will remove the pest for you, leaving you pest-free!

Issues Pest Insects Can Cause

Pest insects can cause many problems, posing significant risks to property and health. Some of these issues include:

  • Damage to Property: Certain insects like termites and carpenter ants can cause extensive structural damage to buildings, furniture, and other wooden structures.
  • Health Risks: Many insects, such as mosquitoes and fleas, can transmit harmful human diseases. Cockroaches and carpet beetles can trigger allergies and asthma.
  • Food Contamination: Insects like flies, cockroaches, and ants can contaminate food, leading to foodborne illnesses.
  • Emotional Distress: Infestations can cause significant emotional distress and anxiety due to the discomfort and fear they can induce.
  • Disruption of Comfort: Pest insects like bed bugs and fleas can make living spaces uncomfortable by causing skin irritations and sleep disturbances.
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Proven Treatments

Early detection is the answer. This is where Dyno-Pest can help – we have over 45 years of experience treating Insect pests in Greater London.

To prevent the health hazards and damage caused by insects, taking action as soon as you notice a problem is essential. Dyno-Pest offers a range of proven treatments to eliminate insects and prevent future infestations.

We provide a free on-site survey, carried out by one of our experienced surveyors, to assess the level of infestation and recommend the best course of action. Our treatments include:

Insecticide treatments: Our technicians use safe and effective insecticides to eliminate pests at their source: 

Exclusion and sealing: Our technicians will inspect your property for entry points and seal them to prevent insects from entering.

Integrated Pest Management: Our approach to pest control involves a combination of methods to eliminate the problem at its source and prevent future infestations.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today to arrange your free insect pest control survey and keep your property safe from the health hazards and damage caused by insects.